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A Different New Year’s Resolution List

Most lists of New Year’s resolutions are superficial and dwell on the negative, like losing weight or joining a gym. We found an anonymous list we thought was interesting and unique:

I will let go of resentments sooner.

I will try to help someone every day, even in small ways and without letting anyone know. If someone finds out, it will not count.

I will not react mindlessly. If I feel the urge to react, I will listen to my breath for five minutes and then decide.

I will try to remain in the moment, giving myself completely to each person I am with, every task I am doing and each situation I am in.

Every time I fall down, I will get up sooner.

When I feel fear, I will surrender to it — waiting for the physical feeling to pass without trying to resolve it or run.

I will listen more than I talk, every day.

I will make an effort to forgive one person every day.

When I am happy, I will not look for something to make me happier.

No more New Year’s resolution lists.
