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What’s the Biggest Conversion Complication?

What would a plan conversion be without a “bump” — or two — along the way. But what have you found to be the biggest complicating factor(s) in a plan conversion?

This week we’ve got two ways for you to weigh in.

You can do so via our unique voting tool — where you can tell us which of two pitfalls you find to be a bigger issue (we’ve got a starter set to get you going). Then — if you like — you’ll get two more to vote on, and so on. Got a pitfall you’d like to add to our list? Feel free to add it (or email me). Vote as often as you’d like.

You can weigh in at:

Or you can vote via our regular survey — where you’ll also have an opportunity to share some of your additional insights and experiences as well.

You can weigh in at

Either way (or both), let us know about your experience(s) — and we’ll share the results with you on Friday!
