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The ‘Management’ of Managed Accounts

Industry Trends and Research

Target-date funds continue to garner a whole new generation of defaulted contribution flows – and yet, interest in, and deployment of, managed account solutions continues to grow.

Despite a plethora of options, the vast majority of target-date fund assets has wound up in the hands of a small number of providers.  Meanwhile, as participants and their retirement savings “age,” there is a growing sense that they may not be well-served by the convenience and (relative) simplicity of “off the shelf” TDF solutions.

Or, as one reader recently put it, “I feel like managed accounts serve the same purpose as target date funds and providers are pushing them to charge fees. Am I missing something?”

This week, we’d like to know how these asset allocation options – managed accounts and target-date funds – fit into your practice, and if you foresee any changes ahead.

REPLY to this week’s NAPA-Net Reader Poll at

And we’ll have it all wrapped up for you on Friday!

Oh – the winner of last week’s reader poll lottery for that free registration to the NAPA 2020 401(k) Summit (Orlando, Florida, April 26-28)? Why, that would be Thomas Hardy of Marine Wealth Advisors!  

Registration opens SOON – sign up for updates, and be the first to know… everything about the nation’s retirement plan advisor convention!
