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The Fiduciary Rule – Now What?

While the fiduciary rule has been in place for months now (BIC full applicability date notwithstanding), and while up until last week the DOL was undefeated in court – well, now we have something else to think about. Sure, it’s all wild speculation, but what do you think will happen next?

Last week the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit threw the fiduciary rule a curve with its 2-1 decision. In the wake of that decision, the Labor Department announced last week that it would not enforce the rule while it reviewed the decision. Leaving the industry in a state of, it seems fair to say, uncertainty.

Speculation is… rampant. No one knows for sure what will (or won’t) happen next, or what that might – or might not – mean for advisors, providers, plan sponsors or the savers who rely on those structures and counsel.

But, hey – why should industry pundits have all the fun? In this week’s NAPA Net reader poll, we’re giving you a chance to tell us what you think (or hope) might be the next steps – what that is likely to mean for the industry (and your practice(s) – and what, if anything, you might do in response?

You can reply to this week’s NAPA Net Reader Poll (anonymously) at

And we’ll have it all sorted out for you by Friday!
