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The Scariest Movie Is…

Wednesday is, of course, Halloween – as good a time as any to think about things that go bump in the night – or that make us jump out of our seats. So, what do you think is the scariest movie?

Goodness knows, the Halloween movie marathons of late seem designed to get us in the mood for ghosts, goblins, werewolves, vampires, zombies, and strange little malevolent dolls.

So, whether you’re inspired by the recent spate of Halloween cinematic fare, or by the prospect of hordes of trick-or-treaters swarming through your neighborhood (perhaps accompanied by you?), this week we’d like to know what you think is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen – if only through covered eyes.

And yes, we’ve got a list – but you can add to it.

You can reply to this week’s NAPA Net reader poll at

Guess when we’ll have it wrapped up for you?
