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‘Undo’ Influence: Rubber Erasers to Roth IRAs

Remember life before the “undo” key on your keyboard? Depending on your age, you may recall the circular pink typewriter eraser attached to a brush so you could sweep off the rubber dust. Or the next-generation blotchy white liquid applied with a brush. In any case, making the work in progress typo-less left it tattered. “Undo” has made life easier and neater.

The Roth IRA Connection

The rules for converting a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA include the equivalent of your keyboard’s undo key — a clause that allows the IRA owner to recharacterize, or undo, a conversion to a Roth IRA. It, too, can make life easier when it comes to tax and retirement planning. Read more about the Roth IRA connection and recharacterizing a Roth conversion here.

Thomas Rowley is Invesco’s Director of Retirement Business Strategy.

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