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It’s a Holiday Weekend. Got Plans?

The Daily will not publish on Martin Luther King Day. We’ll return on Tuesday. 

I don’t know about you, but over at my house we thought last month’s holiday movie season was outstanding — so good that over Christmas and New Years we were only able to squeeze in three of the four movies on our must-see list. 

No worries, I assured my crew as we exited the third one, it’s better to see “Selma,” the fourth one, over the MLK Day weekend anyway. Most of them feigned agreement, then rolled their eyes at the ancient idiot standing before them spewing nonsense. (Obviously the movie would be long gone by then, Dad.)

Guess what? The movie was just nominated for two Academy Awards (best picture and best song) and is still going strong at the box office. So this weekend we’ll pass on “Blackhat” and head for “Selma.” I suggest you do too. IMHO, America could use a healthy dose of Dr. King right about now. 

And if you have middle schoolers, the kids might even be able to get in for free. Tell you what: If I run into you at the theatre, I’ll buy you a popcorn. A small one.
