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While many provider and advisor groups like ASPPA and NAPA have begun to marshal their forces to protect against reductions in retirement savings tax incentives, as Congress begins to tackle the budget deficit it is even more important that employers step up and voice their support for DC plans. To... READ MORE
By Joan Neri, Esq. RIAs should know what it means to be a “designated investment manager” (DIM). This is important because under DOL guidance, if an RIA is a DIM, then the RIA’s investment management strategies — including asset allocations — are not considered designated investment alternatives... READ MORE
Some people argue against any kind of hardship withdrawal or loan from a retirement plan, but few would argue about the special circumstances surrounding the consequences of Hurricane Sandy. Accordingly, the IRS announced on Nov. 16 that participants in a qualified plan may make hardship... READ MORE
Getting started in the social media space is not especially difficult, but it does require time and a clearly outlined strategy. If you just build it, they won’t come. If you want to create positive buzz about your firm, drive search engine optimization and makes sales happen, you must participate... READ MORE
A survey by TIAA-CREF shows that people receiving individualized financial advice (compared with general guidance) are more likely to act — yet many people find it hard to get that advice or think it's too expensive. Results varied by age group, gender and other factors. Those who did get advice... READ MORE
Some advisors argue whether the recent DOL fee disclosure regs were either the latest version of Y2K, or the biggest waste of paper known to mankind. While no one is arguing against fee transparency, the formats do leave a lot to be desired. Yet a recent study by AARP indicates that 75% of plan... READ MORE
CPI recently launched a new product called ClearDirection, which builds on a history of open architecture and leverages the resources and technology of its parent company, CUNA Mutual Group. At an Executive Roundtable in Madison, WI which included the heads of 10 of the top DC-focused broker... READ MORE
When all is said and done, Hurricane Sandy will probably weigh in as the second most costly storm in U.S. history. As the Northeast slowly struggles to return to normal, relief and recovery efforts will yield to getting back to business. Employers in affected areas have questions about what they... READ MORE
With the election results heralding four more years for EBSA head Phyllis Borzi, the long-pending fiduciary regulations are likely to be the agency’s first order of business, as we reported recently.Speaking at a CPI Broker Dealer Executive Roundtable, Brad Campbell of Drinker Biddle — who was... READ MORE
A recent EBRI Issue Brief analyzed information from the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF),[1. The Survey of Consumer Finances is, as its name suggests, a survey of consumer households “to provide detailed information on the finances of U.S. families.” It is conducted every three years by the... READ MORE

