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401(k) Day is a Time to Refocus, Revive, and Reset

Conferences & Events

To coincide with the annual acknowledgement of 401(k) Day (the Friday after Labor Day), the Plan Sponsor Council of America (PSCA) has launched a new campaign to help plan participants focus on their finances in a fun and engaging way. 

The Friday after Labor Day (September 10) has been designated 401(k) Day—a day to focus on retirement planning and preparation. This year’s education campaign features three bingo cards, each centered on one of the three “Rs” of the campaign and providing a list of tasks and items to consider on topics ranging from budgeting to debt, credit, and of course saving in your workplace retirement plan. 

All materials are available on PSCA’s website and can be downloaded free of charge to use—for the upcoming 401(k) day on September 10, or for use later in the year. These resources can be customized with a company logo, plan name and the plan’s contact information. Past campaigns are also available to PSCA members at

However you choose to celebrate 401(k) Day this year, be sure to tweet photos including the hashtag #401kday, tagging @PSCA401k, as well as share them on LinkedIn. 
