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DOL 401(k) Fiduciary Rule: What Are the ‘Smartest’ People Saying About it?

First, we must understand who the smartest people are. And that’s simple: Without question, the most quoted, trusted, all-knowing authority in the US today is the nebulous “they.”

Here’s an example. When I recently commented that my self-winding watch was off by a minute or two every few days, my companion asked if I used a watch winder when I wasn’t wearing it. I do and was told, “You know, they say a watch winder can mess up any watch.” I simply accepted that answer as accurate without much more thought. Later, I realized that we tend to give a great deal of credence to any “they” cited as factual authority.

Find out what “they” say.

Jeffrey Hemker is the National Sales Manager, Retirement Division, Invesco.
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