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ESG—Not Your Father’s SRI

ESG Investing

ESG is often thought of in the same framing as socially responsible investing, or SRI. While there are some potential overlaps in focus, ESG is different—and arguably very different. 

ESG—environmental, social and governance—focused investing has proven to be one of the more controversial – and yet least understood—approaches to investment management, particularly as it relates to American retirement plans.



In this exclusive podcast series Nevin Adams, Chief Content Officer of the American Retirement Association will explore some of the key aspects with the help of Sudhir Roc-Sennett—better known as “Suds”—Head of Thought Leadership & ESG Quality Growth Boutique Vontobel Asset Management.

In this first episode, we'll explore some of the differences between ESG and SRI—and the difference they make in considering investments. Beyond that, ESG funds/approach can differ widely as well—and we'll discuss what those differences are, and why they matter.



It’s also online at

