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Friday is the Deadline to Nominate a Leading Outcomes-Focused Advisor!

Nominations for the industry’s most prestigious retirement plan advisor award close this week.

Today the challenge that looms largest for a growing number of employers is workforce management, a process that goes beyond the traditional focus on benefit programs as a way of attracting and retaining talent, to the critical planning issue of helping assure an orderly flow of workers into a financially sustainable retirement.

In view of this critical workplace planning role, and its expanding focus by the “C-Suite” (even among firms too small to have a C-Suite), the focus of this year’s NAPA 401(k) Advisor Leadership Award is on innovation and accomplishment in workforce management. We’re looking to recognize individuals and teams who have gone beyond the installation of automatic enrollment and qualified default investment alternatives, who have demonstrated leadership both in their innovative recommendations, and their prescience in helping their clients incorporate forward-thinking designs that work to the benefit of those participants, the employers they work for, and the nation’s retirement system in general.

Eligible nominees include any individual or team (group of individuals) active as financial advisors to 401(k) plans. Nominees must be SEC registered investment advisors and/or FINRA registered representatives who are primarily in the business of providing investment advisory and other services directly to retirement plan sponsors and/or participants. NAPA and/or ASPPA membership is not a requirement or a consideration in the judging process.

The nomination process is simple — just tell us who, and why you’re nominating them for the award — and we’ll do the rest.

Nominations will remain open until November 13, 2015. If you’re leading on outcomes — or know someone who is — help us recognize them with the retirement plan advisor industry’s most prestigious award — the NAPA 401(k) Advisor Leadership Award.

The nomination form is available online at
