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(How) Could SECURE Stoke Your Start-Up Business?

Conferences & Events

More than two-thirds of the respondents to a recent NAPA-Net Reader Poll think that the SECURE Act’s expanded tax credits will have some or a great deal of impact.

That’s right – the SECURE Act includes significant increases in tax credits to encourage start-up plans. Not only that, but small employers who embrace automatic enrollment for new plans or existing plans that add the provision – can qualify for an additional credit.

 At the upcoming 2020 NAPA 401(k) Summit you’ll gain insights from Hilb Group Retirement Services’ Jim Sampson and Bonnie M. Treichel, JD, Principal, Co-Founder at ZUNA on:

  1. evaluating the cost of the solution for these small plans,
  2. the marketing strategy for doing so (both direct and with partners) and 
  3. the way to service these plans efficiently while meeting the requirements of ERISA. 

And that's not even taking into account the opportunities for those who work with small employers forced into a state-run plan to start a 401(k) instead.

The 2020 NAPA 401(k) Summit – you can’t afford to miss it. 

Check out the agenda at

And register TODAY at
