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NAPA Update: December 2012

The clock is ticking down, both on the end of 2012 and on the first big event of 2013: the NAPA/ASPPA 401(k) Summit. On March 3, 2013 — just a little more than 60 days — the 2013 Summit will kick off in Las Vegas. By a wide margin, the Summit is the biggest 401(k) event of the year. And thanks to the meteoric rise in NAPA's membership, we’re expecting even more advisors to attend in 2013.

Those of you who regularly attend the Summit already know the value this event provides in the form of business-building ideas, discovery of new approaches to your practice, interaction with the brightest minds in our industry, and most important — networking. There’s just no substitute for actually being there and experiencing it — you’re with the “who’s who” in the industry. So if you haven’t made plans to join us March 3-5, I encourage you to do so now.

With all the threats facing our industry these days, it’s likely that NAPA’s advocacy efforts will never be more important than they are right now. One important sign of NAPA working on your behalf is the success of the “Save My 401k” campaign launched Dec. 11 by ASPPA and NAPA. The campaign uses the power and emotion of social media to raise awareness and spur action on the part of employers and plan participants.

To be successful, the involvement of all plan advisors — both NAPA members and those who are not NAPA members — is critical in driving people to the Save My 401k website. For more on the campaign, watch this video featuring ASPPA/NAPA CEO Brian Graff.

A big part of the campaign is an easy-to-use “toolkit” for plan advisors — a set of customizable messages to clients and participants, banner ads and more — to help spread the word about the critical need to protect American workers’ retirement savings.

On behalf of all the NAPA members who serve on our various committees, we wish you and yours a joyous holiday season and a prosperous New Year!

Marcy Supovitz, CPC, QPA, QKA, AIF, ChFC, CLU
NAPA President
