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Practices That Can Grow Your Practice

Conferences & Events

If you’re looking for the most innovative ideas on how to build and expand your practice, look no further.

There’s a lot to learn, see and do at the NAPA 401(k) Summit – but we dedicate roughly half our workshop agenda to topics specifically designed to help you grow your practice, and this year’s action-oriented agenda is no exception.

At the 2020 NAPA 401(k) Summit (April 26-28, Orlando, Florida), you can gain insights on:

“Path” Finders: Developing a Career Path That Can Keep Your Practice on Track

Finding good talent is hard… keeping that talent can be even harder. Insights on developing, building and sustaining that growth – from teams that have fostered a culture of growth and support to create sustainable business models.

“Best” Practices: How to Attract, Keep, and Develop a Unique and Diverse Workforce

By 2055, the U.S. will no longer have a single racial or ethnic majority. Those who prioritize diversity and inclusivity in the workplace effectively hold a distinct advantage in attracting, recruiting and retaining talent. But it doesn’t stop there. Through increased creativity and innovation, diverse and inclusive organizations achieve new heights contributing to their long-term success. Join us a conversation on what diversity and inclusivity mean, how forward-thinking industry leaders attract some of the best talent our industry has ever seen, and what they do to foster a culture of inclusion and opportunity.

Habits “Forming”: Five Habits of Highly Successful Advisors

Wirehouse, aggregator, or independent? That may drive the support structure for your practice, but at the end of the day, successful retirement plan advisors share certain habits, and the key to sustaining success is a repeatable process – not managing individual projects. Hear three of the nation’s leading advisors share their best practices in five distinct areas over the lifecycle of your client relationships: business development, onboarding new clients, client reviews, the participant experience, and benchmarking/record keeper searches.

Differentiate “Ed”: How to Differentiate Your Practice in an RFP 

In a world increasingly driven by fixed templates masquerading as requests for proposal, how can you set yourself apart, and take it to the next level of consideration? This panel will not only explore how the best sales organizations differentiate themselves when invited to respond to an RFP, but take that from the response, to the finals, to the follow-up, as we look across industries to bring the best ideas to help you win more business.

Managed “Cure”: Why Managed Accounts Matter More

There’s more than one way to build, manage and maintain a managed account – and a growing number of advisory firms are launching their own version of managed accounts. You’ll hear from some of the nation’s leading advisory firm architects of these managed accounts, and gain insights on the importance of this new, more customized approach to plan sponsors, participants, record keepers and you as the advisor in terms of enhanced participant engagement, better retirement outcomes and ultimately – a better 2.0 QDIA.

This is just a sampling of the kind of “must have” information you’ll get at this year’s “can’t miss” event – the nation’s retirement plan advisor conference – the NAPA 401(k) Summit.

Find out more – and register today at

Oh – and you can check out these other Summit focus areas:
