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READER POLL: ‘Low’ Blows, Hot ‘Spots,’ Ocean ‘Views’ or (b)etter?

Industry Trends and Research

It’s hard to believe, but we’re only about a month away from the 2021 NAPA 401(k) Summit—with an agenda developed by advisors for advisors. There are some choices ahead—and this week we asked NAPA-Net readers to weigh in—and get a chance to win a free registration to the 2022 NAPA 401(k) Summit!

That’s right—the 2021 NAPA 401(k) Summit is almost here. The topics NAPA-Net readers helped select—matched with the best and most provocative speakers in the industry. It’s going to be hard to pick which session(s) to attend—but this week we asked readers to do just that.

We'll kick things off, of course, with “From the Hill to the Summit.” 

But then, we’ve also got some great Day #1 Workshops to choose from:

42% - “Low” Blows: Developing Fees, Defining Services: Conventional wisdom says that our industry is in a race to the bottom on fees. Too often, “priced to win” equates to a somewhat arbitrary best-guess on advisory pricing, with a bias toward “low.” Join the discussion and learn how two top NAPA members have developed fee models that reflect their respective value propositions and service delivery models while maintaining suitable margin. 

29% - Hot “Spots”: Same-Same or Different, DOL and IRS Hot Buttons: Running a retirement plan is complicated, and even the most attentive plan sponsor can run afoul of an array of legal and regulatory obligations. We’ll focus on the most common missteps, the ways to avoid them, and what to do if you discover the misstep(s) too late. 

20% - “Ocean” Views: Your Next Blue Ocean, Expanding Beyond 401(k): How do you go beyond a saturated market? Local governmental and non-profit market plans need advice, but where do you start? Find out how to uncover opportunities, learn about ideas to modernize plan administration, and explore recent case-study examples. 

9% - 403(b)etter and (b)est: Sure, 401(k)s garner a lot of headlines, but 403(b) plans have been around longer, serve and support very different employer and participant demographics and—contrary to popular opinions—have a unique operation and focus. Oh, and have you seen the headlines about litigation regarding multi-billion dollar higher-education plans? 

Difficult Discussions

We'll close out the sessions for Day 1 (September 12) with “Difficult Discussions About Diversity.” 

The advisory profession has long struggled with a lack of diversity in its ranks—an issue that has become increasingly problematic as the population it seeks to serve is more diverse by the day. In this compelling and occasionally controversial discussion, a group of diverse advisors—led by NAPA Past President Pat Wenzel—will share their experiences, their challenges, and their successes—along with actionable ideas and tips for expanding the diversity of your practice(s).

In preparation for that discussion, we did ask readers to share their perspectives—and we’ll be speaking to those as part of that group discussion at the Summit (also available virtually, for those unable to attend in person). More information on that is available at

Oh—and the winner of a free registration to the 2022 NAPA 401(k) Summit is Penny Dillon of Morgan Stanley! Congratulations—and thanks to all who participated in this week’s NAPA-Net Reader Poll!

Want to win a chance to get a free registration to the 2022 NAPA 401(k) Summit? Stay tuned for Monday’s NAPA-Net Reader Poll!

Oh—and if you HAVEN’T registered yet for THIS year’s NAPA 401(k) Summit, you need to get on over to, and do so… TODAY.
