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READER POLL: The Top Topics for the 2021 NAPA 401(k) Summit Are…

Conferences & Events

More than 2,800 votes have been cast for investment-focused topics for the 2021 NAPA 401(k) Summit—guess what’s topping those charts at the end of voting week #2?

As a reminder, we’ve taken a robust list of potential topics for the 2021 NAPA 401(k) Summit (Sept. 12-14, 2021—Las Vegas), and split them into four focus levels. 

On Monday we “launched” topics with an investment focus—and one week in, the top 10 vote getters are:

  1. In-plan Spend-down Solutions
  2. How to Simplify Plan Menus for Better Participant Outcomes
  3. PEP Update: What Has Changed Since Jan. 1, 2021? 
  4. How to Effectively Write and Maintain Investment Committee Meeting Minutes
  5. The Evolution of Investment Lineup Construction and Custom Solutions 
  6. What Investment Criteria Should Be Used for Monitoring Target Date Funds Within a 3(21) or 3(38) IPS?
  7. Managed Accounts as a QDIA—What Do You Need to Know?
  8. The Case for Managed Accounts—will managed accounts replace target date funds? Market acceptance and how they affect participant outcomes 
  9. Who Should Own the Managed Account Space, Recordkeeper or Advisor?
  10. How to Mitigate Your Risk of Target Date “Performance” Lawsuit

Haven’t had a chance to vote? Got something new you’d like to suggest? You can do so on investment-related topics at

And That’s Not All!

The voting continues on our first round—Practice Management. We’ve now received more than 2,300 votes, and the top 10 topics now are—and with a brand new entry on top!:

  1. Earning Our Keep: Value added services to avoid sticker shock of advisor fees (New to the list!)
  2. What Do Plan Sponsors Look For When They Issue An RFP? (last week’s #4)
  3. Designing a Retirement Plan Within a Total Rewards Comp & Benefits Strategy (holding at #3)
  4. Panel on best practices that advisors need to adopt to work with recordkeepers/vendors (Last week’s #1).
  5. What Plan Sponsors Really Think (#7 last week).      
  6. Coupling Education with Plan Design to Drive Improved Participant Outcomes (#13 last week).
  7. Driving Positive Participant Outcomes Through Personalization (#8 last week).
  8. Measuring Retirement Plan Success—Report Cards Make the Grade (up from #10)
  9. What The IRS and DOL Continue to Target With Your Clients’ Plans (down from #6) 
  10. Why “Pensionizing” a 401(K) Plan Is the Future of Retirement (Plans) (up from #14).

So, as you can see—the votes keep coming in, and the “jostling” for position continues. Polls for practice management topics are still open, and you can weigh in at

How It Works—Read Carefully 

As is our custom, we’ve loaded a starter set of topics—ideas from our steering committee, as well as topics that have been heavy and consistent traffic draws on NAPA Net. Our unique online voting tool will bring up two different session topics. You pick the one of the two that you like best—and then you get to pick between another two—and so on.

Don’t like either one? Say so. Got another idea? Add it. Every time you suggest an idea, it’s added to the pool of ideas that others vote on (but note—it won’t show up immediately, and if you add it more than once—well, it will only be added once, no matter how many times you try to add it.

Thanks for your input and engagement. And make sure to sign up for updates about the 2021 NAPA 401(k) Summit at
