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TGIF. No, Really.


If you think you’ve had a bad week, just remember – it could have been worse. Check out what happened to these guys (and gals)…

In Hoboken, New Jersey, Nicholas Cutrone, 26, wasn’t trying to go for a record… so he won’t be disappointed to find out he didn’t get one… 

In Phoenix, Arizona, an unnamed man was upset with the noise his upstairs neighbors were making… he first went upstairs, and tried knocking on their door… but to no avail… so, then he went back to his apartment, and tried banging on the ceiling with a broom… well, not a broom… but something shaped like a broom… 

In Langley, Canada, an as-yet-unnamed individual broke into a resident’s garage here… made off with credit and bank cards… and started to use them right away… fortunately for the resident, they left something behind… 

In Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Andrew Colvin, 27, was spotted by police committing a number of traffic violations… pulled over, he was taken into custody, suspected of driving under the influence… and a subsequent search of his vehicle may have provided clues as to what influence he was under… (and his mug shot looks like he still was)… 

And finally, in Groveton, Texas, Heath Bumpous, 36, strolled into the Citizens State Bank here… handed a teller a note, demanded cash, and left with it… Now, that’s a story that TGIF readers are all too familiar with… but Heath’s case was a little different… because of his reason for stealing the money, the timing of that theft… and who convinced him to turn himself in… 

Have a great weekend folks! A long one for some – but (as will be the case with many of you), we’ll be right back here on Monday morning!  
