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TGIF. No, Really.

Think you’ve had a bad week? It could have been worse. Check out what happened to these guys (and gals)… In St. Louis, Missouri, officials at St. Louis University have announced that they will redesign their freshly redesigned mascot… The university, whose mascot is a Billiken (a mythical good-luck figure who represents "things as they ought to be”), recently unveiled a version of the mascot so “creepy” that some have renamed it a Killiken… Judge for yourself… In St. Petersburg, Florida, Dan Lorek and Jeffrey Koshen, neighbors who had previously had no interaction, made up for that in dramatic fashion when Dan, who claimed that Jeffrey had recently sped down their flooded street… splashing him, his paperwork, phone and wallet… confronted Jeffrey… who responded in an unusual manner… which left Dan with 74 cuts on his legs, three on his back and three bumps on his head… So, what was Jeffrey’s weapon of choice? In Harrison Township, New Jersey, and following an accident where her boyfriend, Jacob Dromgoole, 27, was struck by a car, Brittany Carulli, 25, was allowed to sit in the ambulance “in order to grieve the loss of her boyfriend and stay out of the inclement weather”… apparently Brittany got over things relatively quickly… In Hamilton, Ohio, Alexsandra Conley, 18, was running late to work… so she came up with a pretty unusual excuse… Near Staffordshire, UK, an unnamed woman succumbed to temptation… when she climbed into the child seat of a shopping cart here… and then couldn’t get out… and had to be rescued… And finally, in Yellville, Arkansas, “as God is my witness,” tradition will be upheld at Yellville's annual Turkey Trot festival… and by that we mean not so much “trot” as… well, see for yourself… Have a great weekend, folks!
