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The Weirdest Interview Questions

Years back, a friend of mine told me about an outlandish interview question.

The question was simply this; if you could be any kind of tree, what kind would you be — and why?

Now, as such questions go, it’s rather tame. Depending on who you ask, these kind of questions are designed to get past “canned” interview responses, to evaluate a potential candidate’s creativity, and/or ability to respond to stressful or uncertain situations, or simply to see if you can unsettle a potential candidate.

Regardless, they are the kinds of questions that some interviewers treasure, and most interviewees dread. This week, we’ve compiled some of the most unusual questions from CareerBuilder and for your consideration (and there are some doozies!). And, of course, you can add some of your own!

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How it Works

We’ve provided a starter set of odd interview questions — weigh one against the other, and pick the one that you think is the weirdest. Then you’ll get two more choices to weigh, and so on. Can’t decide between the two? There’s an option for that as well. Think it’s something that’s not on the list of questions? Add your own!

We’ll post the results on Friday.

WARNING: This can be addictive!
