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What’s the Biggest Mistake Plan Sponsors Make?

The job of a plan sponsor is complex and ever-changing. In fact, there are so many things to worry about, it seems that there is a nearly infinite list of things that can go wrong on any given day.

Advisors not only see what can go wrong, they’re often involved in rectifying those problems. And of course sometimes they wind up fixing problems that aren’t (yet) identified. 

Realizing that all problems aren’t created equal, and that some get larger (and more expensive) with time, this week, we’d like you to weigh in: What’s the biggest mistake plan sponsors make?

Weigh in with your thoughts at

How it Works

You’ll be given two options from which to choose — pick one, or add one of your own choosing to the poll. Can’t decide between the lesser of two evils (or goods?) There’s an option for that as well. Then you’ll get two more to vote on, and so on. Vote as often as you’d like — and you can also check in and see which ideas are topping the list.

And while we’ve given you a list to start with, feel free to add your own (or post them in the comments below, and we’ll do that for you)! We’ll post the results on Friday.

WARNING: This can be addictive!
