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What’s Up (and What’s Not) for Your 2021 Meetings?

Practice Management

Hard to believe, but the first quarter of 2021 is nearly over—and before you know it, whether in person or virtually (or both), it will be time for those quarterly client/committee meetings. This week, we’d like to know what topics you expect, which ones you don’t—and which one(s) you plan to focus on. 

Sure, we know that even when you craft the agenda, you can’t always control it—and that there are things you want to talk about, perhaps even need to talk about, that can be tough to get folks to focus on—or perhaps on which to make that much-needed decision.

But it’s a new year (well, new-ish), and there’s a lot of new things on the horizon, some things that may have gotten a “rain check” due to the pandemic, and some things that are, of course, “evergreen” in terms of their place on a committee agenda.

So, this week, we’re asking you to pick among a selection of potential topics—and to rate the one(s) you think are most and least likely, the one(s) you hope won’t come up, the ones you intend to ensure come up—and just your general sense of what the 2021 focus(es) will be.

You can reply to this week’s NAPA-Net reader poll at

And we’ll have it all sorted out for you on Friday.
