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Why You Need to Get to WiRC

June 10 through June 12, 2018, the all-new ARA Women in Retirement Conference (WiRC) will be held in Burlington, VT at the Hilton hotel. This conference will be a gathering of some of the best, brightest and most innovative women business owners and managers in the retirement plan service industry. For the first time ever, the best our industry has to offer in the compliance consulting and administration arena (ASPPA) are joining forces with amazing investment advisers dedicated to the retirement plan industry (NAPA).

This will be a premiere event designed to offer business leaders new ideas for growing their businesses and making them thrive in an ever-changing industry. By connecting and collaborating during this one-of-a-kind event, new ideas for how to partner with those dedicated to the retirement plan industry will be gained by everyone in attendance. This will be accomplished through presentations from nationally recognized presenters and breakout sessions where participants can share openly in a noncompetitive atmosphere about their ideas and experiences as leaders of their firms. Most importantly, there will be unique panel discussions where advisers and compliance consultants team up to share their ideas and answer questions regarding various topics such as marketing, prospecting, client satisfaction and practice management.

The WiRC was designed to be a small, intimate conference that offers the opportunity for all participants to get to know one another and develop relationships that extend far beyond the days that we gather together in June. It offers the opportunity to develop contacts with leaders in our industry who can be called upon for ideas, assistance and sharing of information long after the conference itself is over. If you have ever attended the ASPPA Women Business Leaders Forum (WBLF) or NAPA Connect, you will find that by working together, we have taken the best that those fabulous conferences had to offer, made them better, and added new ideas and opportunities to create this brand new collaborative conference.

Each business represented at the conference will differ from the others. The types of service providers range from large to small and local to regional or national. However, even though all of the firms come in different shapes and sizes, each leader of her firm has unique ideas and solutions for managing her business and growing it. Those ideas will be openly shared with other attendees. No matter what size your business is, there will be new ideas and opportunities for you.

For a full agenda and a detailed description of each session, please visit

I have been a long-time attendee and conference committee member for the ASPPA WBLF. I cannot tell you how excited I am that ASPPA and NAPA have joined forces to create this brand new conference. The WiRC will offer all of us an opportunity to connect with leaders in our industry like no other conference can.

Take a few days away from the office to regenerate and find new ways to grow. You will reap the rewards long into the future. Remember that space is limited so you should register soon before it sells out.

Shannon Edwards, ERPA, QPA, QKA, is President of TriStar Pension Consulting.
