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Nevin E. Adams, JD

By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/27/2015
It’s one thing to help people who are saving for retirement make better decisions — but what about those who aren’t? Here are four things that those who aren’t (yet) saving for retirement should know. It’s never too late to start saving for retirement. Perhaps you think there’s no point at some... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/27/2015
Will your portfolio soar with the Seahawks, or get punched by the Patriots? That’s what adherents of the so-called Super Bowl Theory would likely predict. The Super Bowl Theory holds that when a team from the old National Football League wins the Super Bowl, the S&P 500 will rise, whereas when... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/26/2015
The Super Bowl looms — and yet it seems that all anyone is talking about is — deflationgate!Now, you may be in the camp that believes that the inflation level of footballs makes no real difference (at least not in the outcome of the AFC championship game). Or you may feel that rules are rules, and... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/26/2015
Last week we asked readers to weigh in on the most likely outcome(s) of the Department of Labor’s fiduciary reproposal.  The most popular response was that “fewer advisors will work with retirement plans,” narrowly edging out the sense that “advisors who work with retirement plans will all be... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/23/2015
With a month to go before its Supreme Court hearing, the employer defendant in a 401(k) excessive fee litigation case has petitioned the nation’s high court to drop the case.The filing by Edison International seeks to have the Supreme Court reverse its prior decision to review certain elements in... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/20/2015
Rumor has it that the Department of Labor’s fiduciary reproposal will resurface shortly, and that the president may even offer it support in the State of the Union Address.While we don’t yet know what will be in this version of the proposal, this week we’re asking NAPA Net readers to weigh in: What... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/20/2015
So, how does it feel to be compared to a termite?That’s right, a powerful coalition of retirement, union, and so-called consumer protection groups has launched a new attack on retirement plan advisors.They’re doing so ahead of the president’s State of the Union address, and doing so now because he... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/19/2015
A year ago, President Obama touted the voluntary MyRA in his State of the Union Address — but the White House has a lot more to say about retirement this year — and it’s a lot less voluntary. According to a White House fact sheet, the administration is touting a series of retirement tax reform... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/15/2015
The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has outlined the conditions for determining the existence of a partial plan termination, ruling on the fifth appeal of what it called a “seemingly interminable class action suit.” The ruling came in a case filed two months short of 19 years ago. The plaintiffs... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/13/2015
Our industry spends a lot of time and money educating workers about the advantages and mechanics of saving for retirement. But here are six things I think too often go unsaid. Your 401(k) isn’t free. That’s right, it isn’t free. It may be heavily subsidized by your employer, and you’re likely... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/12/2015
Things you might have missed — highlights of last week’s posts on NAPA Net included: "Loan Arrangers?: Did the “Great Recession” lock in higher 401(k) loan volumes?  “High” Five: Five things plan sponsors should know.   Cash “Cowed?”: Will retiring Boomers crash the stock market... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/12/2015
Setting effective retirement plan policy can be a tricky business. Those who do so must often thread a complex web of competing priorities, not to mention what can happen when you make changes that are predicated on bad assumptions or misunderstandings about how these programs work, or how plan... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/6/2015
Whether or not you’re in the habit of making New Year’s resolutions, this is a time of year when reassessments seem appropriate, and perhaps in no area as much as that of retirement plan administration. Many find themselves in the role of plan sponsor (or plan committee) with no background, limited... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/2/2015
While finances aren’t topping their New Year’s resolutions lists, Americans are more likely to say they’ll seek the advice of a financial professional in 2015 than they were a year ago. Nearly a quarter (23%) of respondents to the sixth annual New Year’s Resolution Survey from Allianz Life... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 1/2/2015
Some like to make New Year’s resolutions; some specifically avoid doing so. And some choose only to resolve not to make New Year’s resolutions. Surveys — and at least one academic study — suggest that most of those resolutions don’t last the year.  Heck, many suggest they don’t last a month. ... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 12/30/2014
The winner of the year’s most ridiculous 401(k) headline may well be one that ran just last week. The post was titled, “Did Your 401(k) Balance Increase $50,000 This Year? If Not, You May Be Falling Behind.” Or, as I am inclined to think when I see such nonsense, “you may not.” The article was... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 12/23/2014
Target-date funds are now the dominant asset holding among those in their 20s, but they are much smaller components for other 401(k) participants.According to a recent update from the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and the Investment Company Institute (ICI), TDFs now represent 35% of... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 12/22/2014
A few years back — well, now it’s quite a few years back — when my kids still believed in the reality of Santa Claus, we discovered an ingenious website that purported to offer a real-time assessment of their "naughty or nice" status. Now, as Christmas approached, it was not uncommon for us to... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 12/22/2014
Last week we asked readers to vote on the best — and worst — aspects of ERISA and its progeny. Rather than just asking to pick one, readers had an opportunity to choose between two alternatives — or to suggest their own. In fact, three of the top five “worst” aspects of ERISA, and three of the top... READ MORE
By Nevin E. Adams, JD | 12/19/2014
Festivus — the holiday “for the rest of us” — may have been popularized by Seinfeld, but it didn’t start there. The actual inventor of Festivus is Dan O'Keefe, 76, whose son Daniel, a writer on Seinfeld, reportedly “appropriated” a family tradition for the episode (“The Strike”) he wrote... READ MORE

