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Top DC Wholesalers Nomination and Selection

Advisor Allies

We have traditionally referred to the Top DC Wholesalers as “Wingmen” because if they are doing their job, they have advisors’ backs—and while that’s certainly an apt description for the traditional role, the most successful wholesalers do more—they are true partners, often working side-by-side with advisors—and so we now acknowledge that expanded role with an enhanced name: Advisor Allies. 

Process and Criteria

Nominations for the list are provided by NAPA DCIO and Recordkeeping Firm Partners. Nominees are required to submit responses to an application comprised of a series of quantitative and qualitative questions about their experience, the size and composition of their practice, awards and recognitions, and industry contributions. Finalists are ranked according to votes received by retirement plan advisors. The list is created and conducted by the National Association of Plan Advisors, an affiliate organization of the American Retirement Association, a non-profit association. No fee is charged to participate. 

Vote Here:
