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TGIF. No, Really.


If you think you’ve had a bad week, just remember – it could have been worse. Check out what happened to these guys (and gals)… 

In Cleveland, Ohio, Imani C. Edwards, 23, was apparently late to work. This is not the way to remedy that situation. 

In Madrid, Spain, an unnamed 34-year-old man was pulled over for an “irregular maneuver”… and during that stop police asked for the driver’s information… and then noticed several “suspicious” packages under some sheets in the seat next to him… The officers asked the driver about the packages, and the driver became “visibly nervous”… but responded that they were just plastic boxes… except that when the officer opened the box they found a number of plants… and many more in the trunk of the van… (we’re talking 1,130 of them)… to which the driver explained that they were actually "peppermint”… Well, as you might expect, they weren’t. Instead they were… 

From around the world… lots of future Darwin Award winners… and yes, we have pictures… (If you have a thing about heights, you might want to pass on this one.)

In Brookfield, New Hampshire, the town had a need to relocate a road due to an argument over its positioning on private property… so, they moved the road… but neglected to move something that had once stood next to the old road… Residents are concerned about a potential safety hazard… regardless, it sure looks odd (and yes, we have pictures)… 

And finally, in Callahan, Florida, Katie Jade Gates, 19, was having dinner with her family… when, being denied what she considered her “fair share”… threw a water bottle at her grandfather… and a pack of cigarettes at a 73-year-old female relative (who was struck in the eye by the airborne tobacco)… Confronted about her behavior by her grandfather, Gates allegedly grabbed a knife and began threatening him with it… chased her grandfather with the knife… and poked the weapon at his face… (though she subsequently denied “attempting to strike him with the knife in her hand during the argument”)… So, what gave rise to Katie’s ire? Thought you’d never ask! 

Have a GREAT weekend, folks! We’re moving to new offices this weekend – it’s only a couple of blocks, but we’ll be closing at 1:00 p.m. ET this afternoon to get a jump on things… See you from our new home on Monday!
