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TGIF. No, Really.


Yes, we’re (still) in the middle(?) of a pandemic…but (apparently) you (still) can’t “shelter” stupid… look at what has (still) happened to these guys and gals… 

Some Odds & Ends

Tis the Season. Well, sort of. 

Coming to a conference room near you. Not creepy at all. 

For the “money launderers” in your life… 

A uniquely 2020 identity theft scam… fake testing centers… Can’t make this up… 

And now for the main attraction(s):

In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, some as-yet-unidentified (albeit enterprising) individuals, took pains to set up traffic cones to redirect traffic around an ATM they were working on in a parking lot here… as it turns out, their activities were “unauthorized”… and the results of their work… well, let’s just say perhaps “unexpected”… 

In New York City, the need for blood donations is so great that the city is offering some incredible prizes to donors… a year’s supply of Krispy Kreme donuts… a VIP tour of the Empire State Building… and something that only a true New York Jets fan (particularly this year) could appreciate…

In Peru, Illinois, Nathan Drewel summoned law enforcement officials for help in finding… and then recapturing his pet… but this is no mere dog or cat… and that perhaps explains how long it took to do so… (not to mention the length of the headline) 

In Massena, New York, Tim Currier, 55, was apparently doing a little “moonlighting” from his day job… which will eventually put him in some proximity to his previous day job… 

In St. Louis, Missouri, an as-yet-unnamed individual was asked leave a local bar after displaying “erratic behavior”…  the local bar’s name? Shot Heaven. Guess what happened next…

In Jordan, Arkansas, John Leroy Lewis, 54, wanted on outstanding warrants for failure to appear in court, was recently apprehended by authorities… though it seems fair to say that he basically gave himself up… 

And finally, in Princess Charlotte Bay, Queensland, Australia, Dion Creek turns out to be that rare individual whose selfie saved his life, rather than the (considerably more common) other way round… how did he do that? 

Have a GREAT weekend, folks! 
