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TGIF. No, Really.

Think you’ve had a bad week? It could have been worse. Check out what happened to these guys (and gals)… In Centralia, Washington, an unnamed man was so fed up with the roaches in his apartment that he went after them with a can of bug spray…. And a little “extra” that produced an ostensibly unexpected, if obvious, result… In Great Falls, Virginia, an unnamed woman driving a Mercedes-Benz convertible had a bit of a fender bender here…one involving a Ferrari….a $300,000 Ferrari… and yes, we have video… In Tampa, Florida, traffic stopped on the Courtney Campbell Causeway earlier this week…yes, you could call it a gaper’s block….but the scene that drew all the attention wasn’t what you might expect… and it apparently only happens every three to five years… …In Cheshire, UK, an unnamed woman was spotted reading her Bible…while driving… and the spotter caught her doing so on camera…including this decidedly “unchristian” response… In Lexington, Kentucky, an unnamed couple, who also happened to be an INEBRIATED couple… crashed their Geo Tracker into a utility pole…now, they weren’t injured in the crash….but as for what came afterwards… and yes, there’s a video… In Rock Rapids, Iowa, Clark Nagel, 54, stopped by the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office to visit an inmate in the Lyon County Jail….but then, during a routine security check done prior to entering the jail facility, they discovered a warrant for Clark’s arrest… but that didn’t turn out to be the end of the matter… And finally, in St. Louis, Missouri, an unnamed man returned to his car in a parking lot, and found that it had been broken into… so he filed a report with police… and then 15 minutes later the man, who turned out to be a paramedic, was among the first responders to a call about a pedestrian struck by a car nearby… and guess what? Have a GREAT weekend, folks!
