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TGIF. No, Really.

Think you’ve had a bad week? It could have been worse. Check out what happened to these guys (and gals)… In Tampa, Florida, the Hillsborough County sheriff’s department is looking for a couple of men who burglarized the Tampa Farmers Market here… One man was wearing a hoodie with an image of an owl on the front… And his colleague? Well, he was dressed in a very unusual manner… In San Diego, California, a pair of 17-year-olds were arrested on suspicion of being involved in a series of armed holdups in the area… but you can’t fault their persistence… In Bath, New York, Rex Crooks, 52, told deputies at the Livingston County Jail that he had come to the jail to pick up a family member who is serving weekends at the jail… Rex, however, showed up at 6 p.m. Sunday… and his family member wasn’t due to be released until 6 a.m. on Monday… But Rex turned out to have another bad timing problem… Near Duluth, Minnesota, law enforcement officials arrived to investigate a report of underage drinking here… whereupon three unnamed teenagers decided to make a break for it… and so they did… until about 8 a.m. the next morning… when law enforcement officials answered a somewhat different call… And finally, in Kanawha, West Virginia, Kassandra Fridley, 28, is charged with falsely reporting an emergency… more precisely, for having called the Kanawha County Metro 911 Center… multiple times over the past 26 days… Not that she didn’t make some effort to disguise her activities… she called from several different phone numbers… disguised her voice… used several different aliases… and even pretended to be a child… So, how many times did she call? Have a great weekend, folks! And for most of you, that extra hour…
