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Is There Media Bias in Retirement Coverage?

Media “bias” has long been cited – generally among those who take issue with what, or how, specific coverage appears. But is the coverage of retirement and retirement issues “biased”?

Now, having spent a fair amount of my career as part of “the media,” I can promise you that one person’s “bias” is as likely a reflection of the perceiver as the perceived. That said, there is plenty of reporting about head-scratching statistics, and a perpetuation of certain “myths” (even among industry trade publications that ostensibly should know better).

But ours is a complicated business, and beyond the “if it bleeds, it leads” mantra that has long been a journalistic tenet, well-intentioned writers, like the rest of us, can be misdirected by what seems to be a credible source.

This week, we’d like to know what you think – about the ifs, whats, and whys of media coverage of retirement and retirement issues.

Reply to this week’s NAPA Net reader poll at

And we’ll have it all sorted out for you on Friday!
